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Marilyn Monroe White Dress Touch Lamp
Marilyn Monroe White Dress Touch Lamp
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Brighten up your home with this Marilyn Monroe Miss You Celebrity Chrome Touch lamp. This touch lamp features Marilyn Monroe with white dress over vent in her classic pose on black glass. This 6 panel pumpkin brass chrome touch lamp has a 3-way touch sensor that uses regular 1-way light bulbs. Changing your light level is as easy as 1-2-3. One touch on the metal gives you the lowest light level, a second touch gives you medium light and a third touch sets you lamp to its highest level of light. A final touch turns your lamp off. Lamp is brass plated with glass shades. Lamp is unassembled. Assembly involves inserting the glass in the shade and then putting the shade on the base. Lamp includes light bulbs.

Measures 24" height, 15" width, 7.5" width of base. Touch Lamp uses 3 candelabra base bulbs. 1 yr. warranty on touch sensor.
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